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Enrichment Sources

We are keen to support any student that has a passion for maths and STEM subjects, even if they are not students at SuMS.  

This page is intended to signpost organisations that we believe provide high-quality learning opportunities. We will regularly be adding to this list, so please do check back from time to time! 


Nrich logoNRICH offers curriculum-linked resources for students aged 3-18, designed to nurture curious, resourceful and confident learners of school mathematics.

All of their resources are free to use by everyone.

They are based in the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge.

Visit NRICH here


The Brilliant Club

The brilliant club logoThe Brilliant Club works with schools and universities across the UK, to improve access, raise attainment and inspire a love of learning.

They work with pupils aged 8-18.

By mobilising the PhD community they support students who are less advantaged to access the most competitive universities and succeed when they get there. 

Visit The Brilliant Club here


Axiom Maths

Axiom logoAxiom Maths believes in the power of maths to transform lives and nations.

Access to that power should not depend on a child’s background.

Their mission is to help every child with the head and heart for maths to realise the potential of their power.

Visit Axiom Maths here


Nigel Coldwell - A Collection of Quant Riddles with Answers84twiddlebolts

Here you will find a selection of puzzles and riddles to develop mathematical thinking and reasoning. If you have attended one of our SuMS Summer One Thousand sessions, we used puzzles 62, 22 and 82. 

Visit Nigel Coldwell here